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- 1
R. Dovesi, E. Ermondi, E. Ferrero, C. Pisani and C. Roetti, ``Hartree-Fock
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T. Asthalter, W. Weyrich, A.H. Harker, A.B. Kunz, R. Orlando and C. Pisani,
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M. Causà, R. Dovesi and F. Ricca, ``Ab initio Hartree-Fock investigation of
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I. Baraille, C. Pouchan, M. Causà and C. Pisani, ``An ab initio
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L. Ojamäe, K. Hermansson, C. Pisani, M. Causà and C. Roetti, ``Structural,
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R. Dovesi, C. Pisani and C. Roetti, ``Ab initio HF versus semiempirical results
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R. Dovesi, M. Causà, R. Orlando, C. Roetti and V.R. Saunders, ``Ab initio
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